See the OzoneOn in Action
See the OzoneOn in Action
PMQ Pizza Magazine Interview on the OzoneOn. In only 10 seconds remove over 99% of bacteria, including e. coli and salmonella.
Cashido's Mermaido Ozone Shower was featured in Island Style TV. See how pet groomers are removing odors and cleaning pets using the OzoneOn.
A quick wash with Cashido's OzoneOn will kill the bacteria on the surface of fruits, vegetables and meat, keeping them fresh.
Cashido's 10 Second Machine can help keep flowers fresh, here's a test we did. Ozone is effective at helping flowers last longer.
How do we know it works? We tested it, of course! See how the OzoneOn kills bacteria on the surface of toys.
How do we know it works? We tested it, of course! See how the OzoneOn kills bacteria on the surface of hands.
How do we know it works? Watch as Cashido's OzoneOn immediately dissolves ink on contact, the same way it effectively reduces pesticides and odors with a quick rinse.