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The Power of Water

OzoneOn is a revolutionary product that makes foods safer and kitchens cleaner.



infuses ordinary tap water with ozone, a naturally occurring gas. Ozonated water sanitizes and reduces pesticides and bacteria on food and household surfaces.


A new way to clean that's safe for children, pets and our planet


OzoneOn uses your home's kitchen faucet to create a powerful sanitizer

Cleans household surfaces without toxic chemical cleaners


Keeps produce fresher, longer and reduces wasted food

With a 10 Second Rinse


Bacteria killed*


Pesticides reduced*

  • Kills bacteria like E. coli and salmonella

  • Eliminates odors

  • Extends produce shelf life 2–3x

  • Easy to install and use

  • Safe, natural and non-toxic


Join the 10-Second Revolution!

A 10-second rinse in ozonated water is all you need to kill 99% of bacteria and 75% of pesticides. OzoneOn can be used for a variety of purposes.